Roberto Alvelais has beeninstructing Karate and Tai Chi Chuan to men, women, and children since 1975 andbrings a broad, well-rounded perspective to his teaching of the martial arts.Rob’s Karate instructor is the Shito Ryu master and past member of the WorldKarate Federation Technical Committee,Minobu Miki. Under Master Miki's guidance, Rob hasearned the rank of Fifth Degree Black Belt and the title of Shihan (MasterInstructor) in Shito Ryu Karate-do. Rob's karate rank and title were presentedto him by Master Kenzo Mabuni at the
Rob has coached several athletes to national titlesin Karate, and has competed successfully, himself, in internationalcompetition. He was a distinguished member of the USA Karate Team, winningmedals in sparring at the North American Cup, Mexican Olympic Sports Festivaland the Caribbean Games.
In 1971, he started training in an Americaneclectic style of karate, under the late John Doub. He has continued histraining in karate, studying Shotokan, Shorin Ryu and Shito Ryu. He also hasexperience in Aikido and the Chinese systems, having studied Yang Style Tai Chiunder Choy Kam Man and Aikido under Jonathan Lewis. Rob is continuing his studyof Tai Chi Chuan and Hsing I Chuan under Wong Jack Man. He has attained therank of Second Dan in Yamane Chinen Ryu Bojutsu and Kobudo, under the tutelageof Mr. Toshihiro Oshiro.
From 1987 until he opened Pacific Martial Arts in1993, Rob was the Sensei and Dojo Director for the California Karate Academy.While there, he gave instruction in the Shotokan style of karate well asteaching traditional Okinawan weaponry, self-defense, and the awareness andprevention of child abduction.
Rob is a Master Instructor in Police DefensiveTactics and also taught courses in self-defense for women from 1985 to 1990.Rob has a degree in Biochemistry from the University of California atRiverside. He was a wrestling and track coach at American High School in Fremontand worked as a substitute teacher in the Fremont Unified and New Haven UnifiedSchool Districts. Rob is an ACEP certified coach. Rob continues to be involved in karatecompetition as a National-level referee with the
Rob's broad background, wide experience, congeniality,and his knack of being able to explain difficult concepts in simple, easy-to-understand terms makes him an outstanding and enjoyable instructor.